Rozelin Akgün continues her research on landscape architecture and permaculture by intensively feeding on two different disciplines and conducts biological cycles and organic research. She realizes installations that examine the relationships between human and natural life and push the boundaries of tactile and sensory experiences. With the inclusion of bioplastics in art production, she explores a reflection of the permeability between matter and meaning in the ambiguous boundaries between body and environment. In the unadulterated correlation between nature and man, Akgün’s works are not produced with a permanent concern. On the contrary, they are melted, remolded and reshaped in a continuous cycle of transformation, creating a structure that is open to experiencing existence many times over. The temporary and changeable structures of bioplastics offer a search for a relationship between the material world and spiritual, instinctual existences. The multi-faceted, multi-parameter production journey continues to be examined in the sea of concepts such as the world, human, life, experiences and possibilities, and to explore the unknown of new discoveries.
Text: Melike Bayık